Caleb Newborn Perfection {Vancouver, Longview, Kalama, SW Washington Newborn Photographer}
/A very special little man made his way into the studio last week. His Momma is best friends with my younger sister and I've known this sweet family for some time now. In fact, Caleb's big sister was a newborn in my studio just 3 years ago. When Caleb's Momma asked me to photograph him as a newborn, I was honored as he has a special and precious place in my heart. He was SUCH a love...just melting into my hands as I worked with him. And then he wanted to be awake and see what the fuss was all about :) He will probably never quite understand just how perfect he is.
We spent some time with Caleb and then his big Sis joined us for the remainder of the session. Having turned 3 just days after Caleb's arrival, I didn't expect Kaytlin to be extremely excited about her brother, since toddlers can be a little unsure about new babies. But, I couldn't have been more wrong. She was extremely attentive, holding him, kissing him and smiling so big out of pride to have this sweet little Mister all to herself!
Caleb, his parents and family appreciate your prayers and positive thoughts as he will undergo surgery this coming January. Although the procedures he will endure have been perfected and will be completed by amazing surgeons, having a child go through the experience of surgery is never easy. Please pray for quick healing and a peaceful process for all involved!